Hayden, you're TWO and a HALF. That half means a lot. Had I sat
down to write this post a few weeks ago, I wouldn't have been able to write
about how you are showing some terrible two signs. I remember two and a half
being slightly difficult with Hadleigh as well, so it must be a thing.
is so fun, sassy, loving, motherly, stubborn, and strong willed all rolled into
one little girl.
"Let it go" (Frozen) - she is quite obsessed. Everything is
"let it go" and will only wear "Let it go" socks. It
makes for a difficult morning when there are no clean Frozen socks left for her
to wear. She still loves baby dolls and has started getting into the doll house
we got for Hadleigh a few years back. She also loves Barbies. She
loves her iPad {as she calls Pie-pad}
Putting on pajamas - she would much rather just sleep in her clothes, so that's
what she does most nights. She doesn't like her hands to get dirty or
Harper's face to be dirty. She is hating the fact we are taking her bippy
away from her during the day.
Hayden eats so well when she wants, but when she's not in the mood she
just won't eat. She likes most anything and will pretty much try it first
before she decides if she doesn't like it. She loves any kind of sauce
{just like her mama}. Her favorite is cheese as that's her answer every
time you ask her what she wants to eat. We have to limit it a bit so she
doesn't get constipated though. Girlfriend has a sweet tooth too, which I can't
blame her!
Sleeping: She's
a pretty good sleeper and has always been a better sleeper than Hadleigh.
If Hayden was tired, regardless if she was watching TV, she would fall
asleep. She's now learning to keep herself awake, so sometimes it's not
as easy as it once was. She still takes naps at school which do not
interrupt bedtime, so that's good. When she's at home, it's hit or miss
whether she naps. Most nights she will still wake up to come into our
bed. So, by morning we have Hayden & Harper in bed with us. Hayden
still loves her bippy to go to sleep :)
Training: No, no, and no. She will go for school every once in a
while, so over Christmas break we tried going cold turkey. Failed. When
she wore underwear she just peed and pooped in them & then when I had her
go naked, she cried for a diaper. We took that as a clear sign she wasn't
ready. We are still full into pull-ups only, so I'm thinking maybe in the
Spring/Summer? Crossing my fingers!
Hayden really enjoys school. She has learned so much since starting
the new program over the summer and her speech has picked up tremendously.
Pronunciation is still a bit off, but I think that's partly her age.
She listens to her teachers - sometimes better for them than us!
She will go sit on the potty for them and go without her bippy ALL day -
no complaints. By the beginning of February, she will move into an older
class - she's getting so big!
& Harper: Love her! Hadleigh and Hayden fight as sisters do,
but if they are away from each other they miss one another. They will
both ask where the other is. They play pretty well most of the time.
Harper loves Hayden even though Hayden holds her hand all of the time.
Hayden makes sure there's no dirt on Harper's face. Hayden is
definitely our little mother hen - she has very endearing qualities around kids
that are smaller than her.
things Hayden has said:
- "I f*ck"
Me -
very shocked, but picked up quickly what she was trying to say, "no, you
- "I f*ck"
Me -
"You're trying to say you farted aren't you?"
- shaking her head yes, "i f*ck!"
She was
climbing her bookcase in the playroom and I immediately told her to get down.
Hayden turns around, points her finger at me, and says "minute