Friday, May 6, 2011

Exercise = goodbye baby weight!!

I've been hanging out at the same weight for a while now - I just need to lose 10 more pounds and I'm back to pre-pregnancy weight! I didn't use to have any body image issues - it wasn't even something that crossed my mind.  As I've gotten older, it's gotten worse!  Pregnancy does not help your body image at all - even though in the grand scheme of things, it's not a big deal.  I totally would do it over and over again because the benefits far outweigh what I think I look like throughout the process.  It's just hard thinking you won't look as great as you used to in that dress, or shirt, or bikini.  I'm guessing everyone has a small dose of this.  I know I'm lucky for only being 10 pounds away from pre-pregnancy weight don't get me wrong - everyone's biggest critic is themselves!

I've said before I was going to start to get serious, but it ended up fading away.  Hopefully I really stick to it (I'm only a week in this time)!  I think I'll do pretty well since I have a girlfriend at work who will workout with me during lunches.  Then on days I don't get to do things during lunch, I'm going to Golds Gym.  I'm trying to go atleast 3-4 times a week.

Another motivator is My Fitness Pal.  I track all my calories everyday by using this tool.  It really helps, because you don't want to have to see how many calories a horrible lunch or dinner gets you.  So you really end up eating decent.  A good thing is you're not eating crazy diet foods, you're eating whatever you want within reason.

Of course summer is motivating me as well! I have to get into a bathing suit in a month and a half.  My family is heading to the beach June 17th, so I'm hoping to be a couple pounds down by then. 

Maybe now that I've actually written a post about it too, will make me even more motivated to do it.  Otherwise I'll have to write a couple months from now and say - "I'm at the same weight or more!" :)

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