Each holiday is becoming so much fun to celebrate since we have Hadleigh and she's getting older and is more and more active. We know it will only get better each year and with new additions to the family :)
Since we have this great site "Pinterest" I've been itching to do some crafts. Easter was the perfect time to get started on a few. First, I made a simple little vase with plastic eggs instead of flowers.
Then I made an egg wreath that will be saved, so I can bring it out each year.
We had Easter brunch at our house, so I made an AWESOME homemade carrot-applesauce cake, which I decorated with some peeps :)
I wanted to dye Easter eggs with Hadleigh this year, so the week before the big day I set everything up for us to do it. I actually bought the kit where you "sponge" the eggs to make it speckled. I figured it would be a little easier and something Hadleigh could help with a little more. Yeah, she did.not.like.it.one.bit. She speckled one egg a few times and then realized the dye was getting on her hands. It was funny - she just kept looking at her hands and then showing me that they were colored. I ended up s"speckling" all but the top one on the right. That is Hadleigh's beautiful egg! Can't wait to do it all again next year :)
LOVE that wreath! I have a Pinterest account but I haven't actually even been on there, I need to start looking into some of the things on there! And that cake looks AWESOME.